The Coaches Names and Contact Info

Assistant Coaches
Zeinab Ahmed:404-704-4963
Suad A:404-373-9410
Iman Yahya:404-547-9659
Sulekha A:678-657-625 or 404-373-9410
Sadia Hassan:404-488-4799
Zahra: 678-469-0880

Masjid Assunah and Masjid Al-Mu'mineen's  MSA

February 6, 2009

Congratulations girls! Our last fundraiser was a hit! We made a total of $1,245. And do you know what the best part about it was? The hair-braiding made the most money.I know you guys are probably thinking "That was a lot of money" and it really is. But get ready because we're going to have another fundraiser to get even more money Insha-Allah. I'll keep you guys posted on what else we're doing, but in the meantime, PRACTICE, PRACTICE and PRACTICE!!

Assalaamu-Calaykum Waraxmatullahi Wabarakaatuh

Our Weekly Update(s) 
Asalamu Alaykum!
Update from last Friday's Meeting & Saturday's successful fundraiser(alhamdulillah!)
Last Friday we discussed the MIST registration fee..REMINDER: ALL COMPETITORS ARE REQUIRED TO BRING HALF OF THE MIST REGISTRATION FEE($30) NEXT MEETING(FRIDAY). We mainly discussed specific details concerning the fundraiser, which went remarkably well with the grace of Allah(swt).
Saturday's fundraiser: This event went very well, we collected a good amount of money alhamdulillah! Thank you all for pitching in and working very hard to make the fundraiser go as smoothly as it did.

Special thanks goes out to Sister Maryam for allowing us to use her hall free of charge(Thank you Sister, we are very grateful
for your kindness, please pass on the thanks when you see her inshAllah). The kids had a great time and the parents were very thankful..overall the fundraiser turned out great!
Next Meeting, Friday 6, 2009
Be sure to bring $30, this is very IMPORTANT..if you fail to bring half of the registration fee, you may be at risk of NOT registering for MIST!
Meeting will start at 5:00 p.m. on Friday, if you need transportation please plan ahead and avoid calling the same person for a ride.
Transportation suggestion: Ask a parent to give you a ride, or carpool with girls in your neighborhood.
For questions or concerns, please contact me(Iman) or any of the MIST coaches.
See you all Friday at 5 o'clock inshAllahl! Wa Salamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatu!

Check Out the Video of the Week